Exchanging glances
A tribute to our visitors admiring the artworks inside the Borgogna Museum. It’s about crossing perspectives to celebrate beauty and the different ways of perceiving Art.
A tribute to our visitors admiring the artworks inside the Borgogna Museum. It’s about crossing perspectives to celebrate beauty and the different ways of perceiving Art.
Our artworks are described through the eyes of our visitors: 3 different tours, 3 different ways of perceiving art to reestablish a spiritual connection with Art.
This is a video of the centenary celebrations of the Museum expansion, opened to the public in 1908. Historic photos, images, music, memories and projects for the future and a thanks to all the people who made this a wonderful experience.
This video shows some moments of restorers repairing and recomposing the polyptych with its side altar pieces from the parish house of Bianzè on occasion of the exhibition hosted until May 17th, 2015.
The famous painting by Angelo Morbelli “Per ottanta centesimi!” (For eighty cents!) is transferred back to the Borgogna Museum of Vercelli.
Young volunteer at the Borgogna Museum – Vercelli YouthNews
Ten authors and ten short stories inspired by art spaces… a legacy of stories and people narrating the museum through their eyes and their words. At the Borgogna Museum of Vercelli in partnership with Effedì Publisher. Authors: Alessandro Barbaglia, Lina Besate, Elisa Caramella, Carla Florio, Giorgio Levi, Gianluca Mercadante, Elisa Monteverde, Vito Montrone, Edoardo Rosso and Edoardo Sarasso.
Theatre and art are combined to create three special and original events in the beautiful location of the city museums.
Free theatrical tours on June, 10th, 17th and 24th 2017.
For further info, visit http://www.straordinariamentevercelli.it
Straordinariamente Vercelli: open bid by the San Paolo Foundation in 2016.
Theatre and art are combined to create three special and original events in the beautiful location of the city museums: in cooperation with Cooperativa sociale Aurive and Art in the city of Milan, the Borgogna Museum, the Tesoro del Duomo Museum, the Leone Museum and Arcidiocesi financed four workshops involving a large number of young people who prepared the three theatrical museum tours.
The San Vittore church was used as location for the video mapping projection about Gaudenzio Ferrari.
Having fun engaging young people with art.
This video illustrates the special treasure hunt organized by the young people of Interact Vercelli, in cooperation with the Borgogna Museum and then shown to the members of Rotaract Vercelli!
September 2017, filmed by Samuele Giatti